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Discussing the importance of owning life insurance can be a sensitive topic — after all, few people like to talk about death. However, if others depend on your support, or if you have substantial assets that you wish to transfer to future generations, life insurance can be an important financial tool. There are many types […]
Planning personal finances used to be the worry of the wealthy and their worry—usually preservation of wealth—was attended to by teams of trust officers and lawyers. Many of today’s middle class families have different concerns: funding retirement; educating children; protecting assets; and coping with unexpected changes in health, employment, and marital situations. But, whether your […]
Whatever your age, it’s never too soon to look ahead and begin giving thought to your retirement. With proper planning, you can make the transition to retirement a smooth, comfortable and confident ride. Today, more than ever, planning for retirement is a necessity. Social Security and company retirement plans are often insufficient to provide the […]
There are countless benefits of charitable giving. Through generous donations, you can make a difference in your community and society. You may also feel happier and even save on your taxes. On September 5th, consider participating in the International Day of Charity by donating to a cause or organization you value. Here are some key […]
Regardless of whether you prepare your taxes yourself or use a professional’s services, it’s a good idea to gather the information and documentation you need well in advance of your actual tax filing date. Below, we’ve listed some key information you need when preparing this year’s taxes. Your personal information The personal information you may […]
Financial stress can have a direct negative impact on a person’s health and happiness. Unfortunately, this may lead to a downward spiral. The more stress you’re feeling, the larger your financial hurdles may seem, and the more you may rely on unhealthy stress-reducing habits. Fortunately, there are steps you may be able to take to […]
Today, many people are concerned about saving for retirement or paying for a large ticket item, such as a child’s college education. If you belong to this group, now may be the time to organize your finances. It is never too early to begin, and the sooner you start, the better. Consider the following steps […]
Your financial professional can help ensure you leave your estate in the best possible way Families inherit money and sometimes make the right moves investing and spending. Inheritances can also ignite disruption, divorce and a host of bad behavior far from the hopes and plans of the benefactor. What happens when you leave what’s probably […]
Social Security Retirement benefits are one thing that people know of, but often what they know isn’t always accurate. First, the Social Security Trust Fund was created in 1939 as part of Old Age and Survivors Insurance by the Social Security Administration (OASI). The goal of this legislation was to help American workers have financial […]
Whether your child was just born or is heading toward high school graduation, a 529 savings plan may help you put aside funds to pay for college expenses without paying taxes (federal and some states) on any dividends and gains.1 However, 529 plans have some specific rules, regulations, and restrictions that parents must know before […]