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When you work for an employer, saving for retirement can be as simple as signing up for a 401(k) plan and making regular contributions, but when you own your own business, preparing for retirement can be more challenging. While pouring decades of your life into your business, you need to make sure you’re also thinking […]
Retirement planning is all about the future, your future. Whether you are classified as a millennial, Gen Xers, women, or you are in your 40s-50s, retirement planning is a must. The key to successful retirement planning is starting young because it gives you more time to work towards your retirement goals. There are some keys […]
In 2014, almost one-third of baby boomers had nothing saved for retirement. For those who did save, the median was around $200,000. This is a far cry less than the $1 million experts recommend for a 30-year retirement plan. Luckily, for millennials and Gen X, there is still plenty of time to craft an effective […]
When was the last time you took steps to optimize your 401k? If it’s been a while, you’re not alone. Research indicates that only one in three Americans utilize employer-sponsored 401k retirement accounts; even those who are contributing may not be taking full advantage of potential benefits.1 Here are five questions to ask about 401k […]
Should you really consider getting life insurance when you are close to 60? September is National Life Insurance Awareness month. And while most of us likely recognize that life insurance provides us peace of mind and security, there may be a few things you don’t know. Life insurance is not just for the young Many […]
As you get older and closer to retirement, your financial practices need to shift slightly as you transition from working and saving to relying on your nest egg. As you approach this stage of your life, you need to take steps to protect your wealth. Keep these tips in mind. 1. Shift toward more conservative […]
Many self-improvement goals focus on stability and personal growth — and financial goals are often no different. From buying your first home to saving for retirement, planning your finances can also help you work toward your personal goals. Learn more about why self-improvement is so important and how good financial planning will complement the goals […]
After decades of adding to your retirement accounts, making the mental switch to withdrawal mode can be a challenge. It may be tempting to try to time the market to mitigate the risk of any sudden drops or ongoing turbulence. However, market timing is almost unequivocally a bad idea, especially when you no longer have […]
For many of us, a new year is an opportunity for fresh starts and discovering the best versions of ourselves, but some things—like tax contributions and retirement deadlines—don’t change much, if at all. And with that shiny new year right around the corner, meeting end of year deadlines and getting tax efficiencies in place now […]
Tax aware investing focuses on optimizing your returns by reducing your tax liability as much as possible. In theory, this investment strategy has the potential to help you earn more money on your investments, but you need to be aware of some potential pitfalls. When getting started with tax aware investing, you may want to […]