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Published on November 7, 2019 |
You’ve identified a problem, you’ve assigned a team to solve the problem, you’ve opened your office space and provided plenty of space for co-working and collaboration‚Ķ and yet, the problem isn’t getting solved. If your cross-functional team keeps running into trouble while collaborating, the steps below may help you better understand the issue and create your own innovative solution to help your teams work better, together.
Facilitate team work. If your team is having trouble, try sitting in on a phone call or in-person brainstorming or work session. This observation may allow you to identify where areas of conflict are arising, whether it be a lack of communication, unclear goals, or issues with specific team members.
Identify specific KPIs. In all projects, KPIs (key performance indicators) are valuable, but they are especially handy when it comes to struggling teams. Try helping your teams identify and agree upon particular KPIs to give them a smaller, more specific goal to achieve, which may allow them to work through their teamwork issues on their own.
Share strengths. Identify (or have your employees identify) key areas of strengths for each team, or team member, working on a project that requires cross-functional collaboration. This simple exercise will allow the team to recognize not only individual strengths, but also the role that they play in the larger project, and will also give insight into the smaller pieces of the project each team member is working on.
Cross-functional collaborate can be a powerful tool for innovation and growth within a company. If your teams are struggling to work together, don’t hesitate to address the problem.